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What is Par Time and how is it used?

Par Time is the most asked about setting in the Shooter Make Ready app.  The settings for Par Time are:

Par Time - enables or disables the Par Time feature

Par Time Delay - sets the number of seconds from the start signal to sound the par time signal

Par Time is a feature found in most shot timers you might use at the shooting range. It's for sounding a beep - the par time signal - after a specified time from the start signal. The par time signal is a 300ms audible beep signifying the end of the shot string. This may also be referred to as a time limited shot string.

Par Time

Say you want to practice drawing from a holster then hit a target with 6 shots, all within 3 seconds. You would set Par Time Delay in the app Settings to 3 seconds. Press the START button and on hearing the start signal, draw your pistol and begin taking 6 shots at the target. Three seconds later you'll hear the par time beep signal signifying the end of the shot string. Any hits on target after the par time signal will be indicated as a penalty. Once you can do the exercise successfully and consistently, set Par Time Delay to something like 2.75 seconds and practice until you can do that well. Decreasing the par time setting as you gain improvements in your performance will help you build the “muscle memory” needed for fast, consistent results.

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